Amazing Nicky beautiful review and personal insight !!!

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Feb 2Liked by Nicky Shapiro

Charming, Nicky! And nostalgic too for all of us who've ever lived in the East Village,

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"Like all great works of that genre, St. Marks is Dead demands the reader confront the inconvenient truth that history, whether played out across one street or one planet, refuses to cave to our incessant, primitive demands for trivial categorization."

This beautiful sentence encapsulates my frustration with the world and with my inability to fit people and places into the boxes I construct for them. As a writer, I'm always trying to encapsulate the essence of a person or group or city or artwork, but in my desire to be truthful, every strong claim I make necessarily entails a dozen footnotes and caveats, draining the claim of its succinct power.

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